Episode 8

08 - Survey Says: People are Confused

In this episode, Emily & James review the results from two major public opinion polls released by Harvard/Harris and the New York Times. The surveys cover presidential politics and candidates, the Israel-Hamas conflict, and attitudes towards free speech.

Both Emily & James think that some of the questions were not written very well, and that some questions should have been asked that were not. But even with that, the American public seems to be all over the place when it comes to how it feels about various political issues.

The hosts also discuss the recent actions in certain states to remove Donald Trump from the ballot.

You can see the results of the Harvard-Harris Survey here: https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/HHP_Dec23_KeyResults.pdf

You can review the results of the New York Times Poll Here: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/19/us/politics/biden-israel-gaza-poll.html

You can review the 14th Amendment's Insurrection Clause here: https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/amendment-14/section-3/#:~:text=No%20person%20shall%20be%20a,a%20member%20of%20any%20State

You can read the federal statute regarding the criminal definition of insurrection and punishment for it here: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-1999-title18-section2383&num=0&edition=1999#:~:text=Whoever%20incites%2C%20sets%20on%20foot,holding%20any%20office%20under%20the

Here is the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia's explanation of the prosecutions of individuals involved with the events of January 6, 2021: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/30-months-jan-6-attack-capitol

You can read more about Dr. Emily Stacey here: https://www.rose.edu/staff/social-sciences-department/stacey-emily/

You can read more about Professor Davenport here: https://www.rose.edu/staff/social-sciences-department/davenport-james/

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions for show topics or guests, please reach out to us at NotMyGeneration@raider.rose.edu

Note: The views expressed on Not My Generation are the solely the views of the hosts and their guests and do not reflect the views of Rose State College, its administration, faculty, or students.

About the Podcast

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Not My Generation

About your hosts

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Dr. Emily Stacey

Emily Stacey is a Political Science professor and Program Coordinator for Political Science at Rose State College. Dr. Stacey has the privilege of coordinating events, including the Great Debate panel series, Liberal Arts and Sciences colloquia, and the Political Science book club. Dr. Stacey was honored as a DaVinci Institute Fellow in 2023, an award given for innovative teaching in higher education. She successfully completed her dissertation defense in November 2016, and formally graduated with her doctorate in July 2017 from Swansea University (Wales, UK). Emily’s dissertation research focuses on the necessity of bureaucratization in contemporary social movements, namely those using digital technologies to mobilize and sustain dissent. She has participated in the Digital Methods Initiative at the University of Amsterdam (2013) and Oxford University’s Internet Institute Summer Doctoral Program (2014).

Emily has published multiple works thus far, Combatting Internet-Enabled Terrorism (2017), which focuses on the use of digital technologies and the internet by terror organizations, with emphasis on the Islamic State. Nationalism, Social Movements, and Activism in Contemporary Society was published in 2018, and analyzes the rising tide of nationalist politics around the world, with emphasis on U.S. politics (the rise of the Tea Party, election of Donald Trump and juxtaposing that against the Black Lives Matter movement). Emily’s most recent work (2023) focuses on deglobalization and the shifting world order. You can follow Emily on Twitter at: @politikphd.
Profile picture for James Davenport

James Davenport

James Davenport is the Associate Dean for Social Sciences and a professor of political science at Rose State College. He is a two-time recipient of the Oklahoma Political Science Association's (OPSA) "Teacher of the Year" award and a recipient of OPSA's "Excellence in Public Service" award. He has also earned the Rose State College "Excellence in Teaching" award. He earned the "Excellence in Public Service" Award from the OPSA in 2023.
James brings practical experience in politics to his academic training as a political scientist. He has worked for a member of Congress, a county commissioner, a public opinion research firm, and owned a public relations and campaign consulting firm. In addition, he has also be the host of a radio talk show.
In 2023, James founded the Center for Civic Engagement, which fosters positive conversations on challenging issues and builds bridges of communication between the academic community, policy makers, and the general public.
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